10 nonfunctional requirements to consider in your enterprise architecture

Nonfunctional requirements define how a system is supposed to operate, rather than what it's supposed to do, but they still play a vital role in meeting end-users' needs.

Posted: August 4, 2022 |

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Imagine you are buying a car. What essential features do you need? A vehicle should deliver a person from point A to point B. But you also check its safety, comfort, maintainability, ease of repair, and mileage. You may also look for an electric version or better speed. Why should you check these additional characteristics that aren't critical to its main duty? To limit the surprises that may occur when delivering the primary function: taking you from point A to point B.

[ Learn key considerations for designing an event-driven hybrid cloud architecture, common use cases, and technologies that can help along the way. ]

Software has similar nonfunctional requirements (NFR), which are also called architectural characteristics. Whether you're working on a website, a mobile app, or a desktop program, software should have a set of quality-oriented attributes to meet end-user needs.

What are nonfunctional requirements?

Briefly, functional requirements define what a system is supposed to do. In the case of a car, that's taking a person from A to B. Nonfunctional requirements stipulate how a system is supposed to be.

Here is a cheat sheet for understanding nonfunctional requirements:

Architectural Characteristics chart

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These top 10 architectural characteristics cover most aspects of a large-scale project. You don't need to accommodate all of them in your project; pick the most essential and knock it out. This article does not provide solutions to meeting these NFRs but instead explains areas to consider when designing a system.

1. Scalability

Scalability refers to the systems' ability to perform and operate as the number of users or requests increases. It is achievable with horizontal or vertical scaling of the machine or attaching AutoScalingGroup capabilities.

Here are three areas to consider when architecting scalability into your system: