Florida Medicaid Enrollment Application

Registered Medicaid provider IDs required to enroll with Florida Medicaid

Federal law requires all network health care professionals to enroll with Florida Medicaid by submitting a Florida Medicaid Provider Enrollment Application.

How do I apply?

Apply online at mymedicaid-florida.com. From the home page, hover over Provider Services and select “New Medicaid Providers” under the Enrollment section. If you are a network health care professional for other Florida Medicaid health plans, you only need to submit 1 application.

Application requirements:

Upload a copy of your email notice with your application. This will help Florida Medicaid confirm you are complying with the enrollment requirement.

For assistance with the application or other provider enrollment related inquiries, please contact the Florida Medicaid Provider Enrollment Call Center at 800-289-7799, option 4.


Contact your provider engagement representative or go to uhcprovider.com/contactus