Undergraduate Degree Requirements

The requirements for graduation at Chapman are commensurate with the school’s liberal arts philosophy. The program of studies is designed to ensure a breadth of subject matter in the liberal arts as well as a depth in the preparation in the major field. A student’s curriculum includes preparatory courses, the General Education program, major requirements and free electives:

All transfer credit applied toward the degree must be evaluated and approved by the Office of the University Registrar. In addition, transfer work going toward the student’s major may require departmental approval. No transfer work with grades earned below “C-” will be accepted toward meeting graduation requirements, but all earned grades will be counted in the student’s overall cumulative grade-point average.

Once students are enrolled at Chapman University, it is strongly recommended that, prior to taking courses elsewhere, students check the online transfer articulation database to determine whether the courses are transferable to Chapman University. See https://www.chapman.edu/students/academic-resources/registrar/student-services/transfer-credit-and-articulation.aspx. Students should check with the Office of the University Registrar if they have any questions regarding whether a course at another institution will transfer to Chapman.

Students transferring courses after matriculation also need to check that they are not exceeding credit load limits for the semester (See Course Load in Academic Policies and Procedures).

Limitation of Credit

The number of credits allowed toward any baccalaureate degree may be limited by the following:

Mathematics Preparatory Skills Requirement

Chapman University requires all students to satisfy a basic mathematics preparatory skills requirement within a student’s first two semesters at Chapman University. Meeting any one of the following criteria will satisfy the mathematics preparatory skills requirement.

Any admitted student who has not met the requirement by test score or by qualifying transfer course must register for either MATH 98 or MATH 99 . Once a student begins taking classes at Chapman University, a student must complete this requirement in residence at Chapman. Students placed into MATH 98 must complete MATH 99 the following term. MATH 98 and MATH 99 are Pass/No Pass courses. Students may not drop MATH 98 or MATH 99 without the permission of the University Registrar.

Students who do not make progress in completing the mathematics preparatory skills requirement by the end of their first year of attendance may be subject to credit limitation at the discretion of the Undergraduate Academic Council, which oversees student progress for this requirement.

Mathematics preparatory skills credits do not count toward the 120 credits required for graduation.

General Education Program

Please note that the titles for the General Education (GE) categories will be changing during this academic year. New category titles are shown in parenthesis following the old title. Both titles will be used in 2019/20.

Students may share credits between General Education requirements and degree requirements in the following ways:

Students may not share courses in the Inter/Multidisciplinary Cluster (Themed Inquiry) with their major or major discipline, or with other GE requirements.

Shared Inquiry (Liberal Arts and Sciences Focus) Courses (18-19 credits)

Courses in the Shared Inquiry (Liberal Arts and Sciences Focus) categories are distinguished primarily by inquiry approaches rather than individual disciplinary areas. They engage students in both active learning and reflective thought, emphasizing critical inquiry in major liberal arts areas. All students take courses that have a primary focus in the following areas of inquiry:

First-year Focus (3 credits) (new)

Global Citizen Cluster (Global Focus) (12 credits)

Inter/Multidisciplinary Cluster (Exploration Focus) (minimum of 12 credits)

The goal of this requirement is to explore an area of study outside a student’s major. An Inter/Multidisciplinary Cluster (Themed Inquiry), second major, minor or completion of the University Honors Program fulfills this requirement. Students must declare an Inter/Multidisciplinary Cluster (Themed Inquiry), second major, minor, or enroll in the University Honors Program prior to completing 60 credits. Students who complete 60 credits and do not have one of the above will be assigned a registration hold.

Inter/Multidisciplinary Cluster (Themed Inquiry) (12 credits)

Majors and Minors


Credits and specific courses are determined by academic units (departments, schools or colleges). Major requirements are located within department/college/school listings. Students must follow the General Education and major requirements of the same catalog year.

A minimum of 21 credits of upper-division coursework in the major are required as well as a minimum of 2.000 average on a 4.000 scale in the major overall and in upper-division coursework.

A lower-division course accepted as a substitution or equivalent to an upper-division course does not count toward the 21-credit of upper division coursework requirement.

Declaration of a Major

An undergraduate student must declare a major prior to completing 60 credits. Students who complete 60 credits and have not declared a major will be assigned a registration hold. Some majors require a separate application process prior to acceptance.

Declaration of a Minor, Second Major, or Inter/Multidisciplinary Cluster (Themed Inquiry)

When declaring a minor, second major and/or second minor, students should be aware that certain combinations are not allowed due to significant overlap in course requirements. The Office of the Provost determines the acceptability of these combinations. The Office of the University Registrar will review all requests before making changes to students’ academic programs and notify students if their requested combination is not allowed.

Students declaring an inter/multidisciplinary cluster (themed inquiry) may not use any courses in their major or in the discipline of their major, even if those courses are not required or used in the major, to complete the inter/multidisciplinary cluster (themed inquiry).

Students must declare an inter/multidisciplinary cluster (themed inquiry), minor or second major prior to completing 60 credits. Students who complete 60 credits and have not declared an inter/multidisciplinary cluster, minor or second major will be assigned a registration hold.

Self-Designed Major